I've recently been finding myself reading in the Bible, mainly the Revelations chapters. Would the Apocalypse really be so... frightening?

But, I am starting to get really attached to some Latin poems/scriptures/etc. They're really interesting. My personal favorite is...

Gratias agimus tibi
We bless thee.
Propter magnam. Gloriam tuam,
We worship thee. We glorify thee.
Domine Deus, Rex coelestis,
Thanks we give to thee,
Deus pater omnipotens.
Because of great glory thy God.

I often find myself thinking Kyrie eleison when things seem bleak.

Kyrie, ignis divine, eleison.
Oh Lord, Fire by divine power, have mercy.

My brother broke the refridgerator! He slammed the door so hard that he broke the hinges, and we can't get the dumb thing open. I'm going to start to miss drinking 2% milk. I need help fixing it, and I can't get a single idea for it.

Help anyone?

I've read some good books lately.

Good Omens - Awesome book with great comedy. It gives Hell and Heaven a better personality, and it makes death seem a bit lighter. RIP - Crowley's Bentley. Have a nice doomsday! Favorite quote from this book: "Many people, meeting Aziraphale for the first time, formed three impressions: that he was English, that he was intelligent, and that he was gayer than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide."
The Nonexistent Knight - Who would fall in love with a suit of armor? Italo Calvino is a wizard with words in this short story. I love Agiulf and his sidekick. My favorite part from this book is when Agiulf's sidekick goes looking for Agiulf, and looks in a pot, thinking he would be there.







I love them. More than anything forever. They're the best things known to man. They're fluffy and warm and big and easy to hide in and handy and easy to sew and nice in wintertime and heavenly and godsends and I just love them. /runonsentence. I have 7 at home, and I use them all. Even in the summertime. Sometimes, I just get into a tank top and shorts, turn the fan on and just wrap myself in blankets. People think I'm strange when I do it, but it's so comfortable... They should try it. They're like cats, but less fussy and they won't give you allergies.

Jesus. I've got artist's block and writer's block. Why! I can't think about anything! I can't get any juices flowing! I can't even draw circles! How is this humanly possible!? /whine
Does anyone here have any ideas about what to draw? I am trying to get better with realism. I might take a few requests.

I'm having specific trouble with hands, feet and basically, the human body. Does anyone recommend any books for this?