Get ready to be random!

Chrismas is coming soon, and I've got a ton of stuff to do! Make commisions, buy gifts, plan parties. What do I do about this?

Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment - James Patterson ~ An awesome book about some teens (and kids) who've been experimented on, coming out 98% human-- 2% bird. They're attacked by Erasers, (98% human, 2% wolf) and the story goes on from there. It's a good good good book. I only hope that I could ever read it. I've only read the first few chapters!

Is it me, or does it all talk about sex or love? Seriously. It's all the same stuff. Who knows, they might come out with songs about rape. It's not like it doesn't exist. Tons of songs by Dir En Grey mention rape (but they're not American). I think that propaganda requires songs like these. I mean, every emo kid needs another song to bawl to. Just like all the preps need another song to sing off-key. Just like all the gangsters need another song to imitate. (Haha, I'm going on a rant about labels! I must be going insane.)

To all the 'superstars': Get some new material.