78) Obedience
Word Count: 75

People liked him. A lot more than he'd like them to. Women flocked around him like an evil plague, and he didn't like it one bit. Men flocked around him like needy children asking for food, and he didn't like it one bit.

But the women just flocked around him for his looks, the men for his dating advice.

No one flocked to him for love.

And thus, he was fated to be alone.


I will be posting 100 short stories.

Some of them are drabbles, some of them are droubbles, some of them are full-out stories. But they will go here, on my blog. <3

  1. Beginning
  2. Taint
  3. Chromosome
  4. Residual
  5. Invincible
  6. Expectations
  7. Altar
  8. Fourthwall
  9. Cube
  10. Irrationality
  11. Panic
  12. Incoming
  13. Egotistic
  14. Deficit
  15. Ketchup
  16. Leper
  17. Function
  18. Jovial
  19. Rapist
  20. Tempestuous
  21. Literary
  22. Air
  23. Squish
  24. Absurd
  25. Prediction
  26. Automated
  27. Height
  28. Jump
  29. Endless
  30. Liquid
  31. Cozy
  32. Maid
  33. Adulthood
  34. Precious
  35. Bonfire
  36. Ineffable
  37. Nucleus
  38. Feather
  39. Glare
  40. Icy
  41. Impulse
  42. Reserve
  43. Paradox
  44. Never
  45. Sarcasm
  46. Mechanism
  47. Traveler
  48. Under
  49. Half
  50. Intermission
  51. Reflection
  52. Fruit
  53. Theory
  54. Turning
  55. Password
  56. Confront
  57. Magnetism
  58. Clothes
  59. Defenestrate
  60. Republic
  61. Childhood
  62. Sushi
  63. Crosswalk
  64. Contagious
  65. Trust
  66. Smack
  67. Certificate
  68. Sneeze
  69. Obsession
  70. Down
  71. Unity
  72. Evil
  73. Invite
  74. Incite
  75. Protocol
  76. Bubbly
  77. Exile
  78. Obedience
  79. Translate
  80. Egg
  81. Epithet
  82. Glare
  83. Carnival
  84. Lens Cap
  85. Pluto
  86. Hysteria
  87. Last Resort
  88. Peppermint
  89. Breath
  90. Snicker
  91. Baby
  92. Feedback
  93. Intersection
  94. Trust
  95. Misery
  96. Creativity
  97. Lack
  98. Voiced
  99. Coup De Grace
  100. Finale

God-forsaken depressing sonata
Cleverly forming itself into a comical minuet
Epic silence envelops the room
Gasp escaping the teacher’s lips
What are you doing?
Crawling, a secret smile shows itself
Evenly spaced white and black keys
Glissando and arpeggios flow clumsily
Eerily meant to be beautiful
Changed into something comical and meaningless
Giggling at the inside joke unknown to the audience
Eerie laughter resounds
Cold church sends chills down spines
Grace turned gauche
Earsplitting surprise bolts through the rows
A recital turned on its ear
Giggling a snide remark.
Just being me.
The comedy routine ends
Piano recital begins again
Sitting down in a row of shame
Trembling pitifully in the presence of God
A firm hold, threatening in nature
What did you do?!
A soft, scared statement,
Afraid for the fate of its speaker.
Just being me.

(My first poem. Bear with me.)

To the world:

Publish the lolcat bible.


Freedom is a lie. We'll never be free from our own wants and desires. Even when you're striving for nirvana, you're not free. You're stopped by your desire to attain nirvana. Humans have often theorized the meaning of freedom. It's quite simple; it's a state of being carefree. We're never carefree. We have to eat, we have to drink.

The living are jealous of the dead, because the dead cannot see.

It was a rainy day.

But all the days had been rainy. This certainly wasn’t new to Belserius.

No matter how Belserius tried to ignore the rain, it kept calling to him in saccharine tones that others would never hear. Today, Belserius was sick. It didn’t surprise Belserius. His immune system was bad enough without the rain. It’s quite demanding, the rain… Even as Belserius lied in bed, thermometer hanging out of his mouth, the rain spoke to him in honeyed songs, beckoning him to go outside. Being the overly obedient person that Belserius was, he naturally went outside.

In the pouring rain, with a fever. It said a lot for Belserius’ intelligence.

Belserius leaned on a wall, somewhat short of breath. He coughed sharply, sounding a lot like a certain fail that Maddi was friends with. Belserius got over the coughing fit and stood up straight, warm breath puffing up in clouds before him. Belserius stood there for what seemed like the longest while, pouring rain making itself at home on the world. Belserius looked at the ground, watching the rain drip onto the back of his hands.

As the heavy rain fell, some of it fell on Belserius’ hands, shivering before dripping down his fingers. Whatever drops that stayed on the man’s hands never lasted long, as they followed the rest of the rain, dropping off his fingertips to fall onto his feet. The rain seemed happy while it was on Belserius, as it shivered with emotion, shimmering a color akin to the streetlights that stood nearby, silently overlooking the lonely street.

Belserius turned his hands over, so he was looking at his palms. Drops of water collected in his hands, dripping down the back of his hands. Emptying his hands of the clear water, Belserius put a hand to his head.

Mm, it’s warm. Keeping his hand on his head, Belserius closed his eyes, letting the rain soak him to the bone. In the back of his mind, rational thought clawed at him, telling him to get home, telling him to sit down.

“Whoa there.” A ghostly figure caught him, white hair untouched by the rain. The figure’s eyes were a stormy blue that resembled rainclouds. It patted Belserius on the back, leaning him back up against the wall. “You’re going to pass out.”

Belserius opened his eyes and saw a person clothed completely in gray, with short white hair. The person was holding out his hand, saying something. Belserius asked the man to repeat what he was saying.

“I’m the rain. I’ve heard a great deal about you. Shi-Ou won’t shut up about you. Too bad you have me.” The rain poked a finger at his heart. “In here.”

Belserius was confused. “What?”

“Dime lo que siente tu alma; dime por quĂ© vive en mi.”


The rain continued to speak in strange languages, until the voices were stopped altogether.

Belserius collapsed, rain dancing around him as he hit the ground. The raindrops shivered as they slid off his hands.

I will post stories on this blog sometimes, along with my personal opinions and the like. I hope to attract more traffic to this blog, and I hope to get some good criticism!

Get ready to be random!

Chrismas is coming soon, and I've got a ton of stuff to do! Make commisions, buy gifts, plan parties. What do I do about this?

Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment - James Patterson ~ An awesome book about some teens (and kids) who've been experimented on, coming out 98% human-- 2% bird. They're attacked by Erasers, (98% human, 2% wolf) and the story goes on from there. It's a good good good book. I only hope that I could ever read it. I've only read the first few chapters!

Is it me, or does it all talk about sex or love? Seriously. It's all the same stuff. Who knows, they might come out with songs about rape. It's not like it doesn't exist. Tons of songs by Dir En Grey mention rape (but they're not American). I think that propaganda requires songs like these. I mean, every emo kid needs another song to bawl to. Just like all the preps need another song to sing off-key. Just like all the gangsters need another song to imitate. (Haha, I'm going on a rant about labels! I must be going insane.)

To all the 'superstars': Get some new material.

I've recently been finding myself reading in the Bible, mainly the Revelations chapters. Would the Apocalypse really be so... frightening?

But, I am starting to get really attached to some Latin poems/scriptures/etc. They're really interesting. My personal favorite is...

Gratias agimus tibi
We bless thee.
Propter magnam. Gloriam tuam,
We worship thee. We glorify thee.
Domine Deus, Rex coelestis,
Thanks we give to thee,
Deus pater omnipotens.
Because of great glory thy God.

I often find myself thinking Kyrie eleison when things seem bleak.

Kyrie, ignis divine, eleison.
Oh Lord, Fire by divine power, have mercy.

My brother broke the refridgerator! He slammed the door so hard that he broke the hinges, and we can't get the dumb thing open. I'm going to start to miss drinking 2% milk. I need help fixing it, and I can't get a single idea for it.

Help anyone?

I've read some good books lately.

Good Omens - Awesome book with great comedy. It gives Hell and Heaven a better personality, and it makes death seem a bit lighter. RIP - Crowley's Bentley. Have a nice doomsday! Favorite quote from this book: "Many people, meeting Aziraphale for the first time, formed three impressions: that he was English, that he was intelligent, and that he was gayer than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide."
The Nonexistent Knight - Who would fall in love with a suit of armor? Italo Calvino is a wizard with words in this short story. I love Agiulf and his sidekick. My favorite part from this book is when Agiulf's sidekick goes looking for Agiulf, and looks in a pot, thinking he would be there.







I love them. More than anything forever. They're the best things known to man. They're fluffy and warm and big and easy to hide in and handy and easy to sew and nice in wintertime and heavenly and godsends and I just love them. /runonsentence. I have 7 at home, and I use them all. Even in the summertime. Sometimes, I just get into a tank top and shorts, turn the fan on and just wrap myself in blankets. People think I'm strange when I do it, but it's so comfortable... They should try it. They're like cats, but less fussy and they won't give you allergies.

Jesus. I've got artist's block and writer's block. Why! I can't think about anything! I can't get any juices flowing! I can't even draw circles! How is this humanly possible!? /whine
Does anyone here have any ideas about what to draw? I am trying to get better with realism. I might take a few requests.

I'm having specific trouble with hands, feet and basically, the human body. Does anyone recommend any books for this?

I've always wondered this. Every time that my family would go to the grocery store, more often than not, I would see a tabloid magazine with news of some celebrity going to rehab or jail. We'd go to the store a few weeks later, and I would see a magazine with that same celebrity coming out of jail, for what would have been a large offense.

More often than not, celebs do drugs. It's all over the papers, but do the police do anything? I haven't read/seen one article that stated that aforementioned celebrity went to jail for doing meth.

I think that celebrities actually do escape the law easier than us common folk do. What do you think?

Soon to come: Government: Is religion overtaking our country?

This is the...

"Fail Blog of Academic Proportions".

How exciting.