God-forsaken depressing sonata
Cleverly forming itself into a comical minuet
Epic silence envelops the room
Gasp escaping the teacher’s lips
What are you doing?
Crawling, a secret smile shows itself
Evenly spaced white and black keys
Glissando and arpeggios flow clumsily
Eerily meant to be beautiful
Changed into something comical and meaningless
Giggling at the inside joke unknown to the audience
Eerie laughter resounds
Cold church sends chills down spines
Grace turned gauche
Earsplitting surprise bolts through the rows
A recital turned on its ear
Giggling a snide remark.
Just being me.
The comedy routine ends
Piano recital begins again
Sitting down in a row of shame
Trembling pitifully in the presence of God
A firm hold, threatening in nature
What did you do?!
A soft, scared statement,
Afraid for the fate of its speaker.
Just being me.

(My first poem. Bear with me.)

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