





I love them. More than anything forever. They're the best things known to man. They're fluffy and warm and big and easy to hide in and handy and easy to sew and nice in wintertime and heavenly and godsends and I just love them. /runonsentence. I have 7 at home, and I use them all. Even in the summertime. Sometimes, I just get into a tank top and shorts, turn the fan on and just wrap myself in blankets. People think I'm strange when I do it, but it's so comfortable... They should try it. They're like cats, but less fussy and they won't give you allergies.

1 gambled:

Olivios @ October 27, 2008 at 7:39 PM

Oh my goodness. I love blankets too. There like a loyal companion that you can take anywhere and it won't pee on the carpet.